地震長期予測モデルをシミュレーションしてみた#1 An illustrative visualisation of a Brownian model for recurrent earthquakes #1

This article contains the following topics;

  • Implementation of a simple Brownian passage time model (BPT model) for recurrent earthquakes with Plotly and JavaScript.
  • Illustration of the relationship between a Brownian motion and an Inverse Gaussian distribution, underlying a BPT model.


Preface はじめに

Some types of stochastic processes (e.g. a Poisson process/a Brownian process) are used for long-term seismic forecasting of earthquakes. The Brownian process (BPT model) is applied for recurrent earthquakes, whereas the Poisson process is for non-recurring earthquakes.

With a BPT model, intervals between earthquakes are assumed to follow an Inverse Gaussian distribution. This article demonstrates a simple BPT model with Plotly and Javascript, and also illustrates the characteristics of Inverse Gaussian distribution.
BPTモデルでは地震の発生間隔は逆ガウス分布(BPT分布、Brownian Passage Time Distribution)に従うと仮定されます。この記事ではPlotlyとJavascriptを用いて簡単にBPTモデルをシミュレーションし、逆ガウス分布の性質を確認してみます。

Overview of the BPT model モデルの概要

The BPT model introduces a Brownian motion and reflects the macromechanics of stress and strain accumulation, which is said to cause recurrent earthquakes according to the plate tectonics theory. Let {\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ } be a Brownian motion with drift and scaling. {\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ } consists of the two terms as shown below, the one with drift parameter  \mu \\\ and the other with scale parameter  \sigma \\\ and standard Brownian motion {\displaystyle B_{t} \\\ }. An earthquake is assumed to occur when this {\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ } reaches a critical failure threshold (let this threshold be  a \\\ ).
{\displaystyle X_{0}=0 \\\ }
{\displaystyle X_{t}=\mu t+\sigma B_{t} \\\ }
{\displaystyle T_{n}\sim  Inverse Gaussian Dist\left( \dfrac{ a }{\mu },\left( \dfrac{ a }{\sigma }\right) ^{2}\right) \\\ }

Time series of Xt


確率過程{\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ }は時間比例で増加するドリフト項部分{\displaystyle \mu t  \\\ }ブラウン運動部分{\displaystyle \sigma B_{t}  \\\ }で表現されます。({\displaystyle B_{t} \\\ }は標準ブラウン運動
BPTモデルではこの{\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ }を用いてプレートに蓄積した応力を表現します。{\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ }が一定の閾値 a \\\ を超過すると地震が発生します。地震によって応力が解放されると{\displaystyle X_{t} \\\ }は0に戻る、というモデル化を行っています。

Simulation with Plotly and Javascript 実装

Assumption 計算前提

Simulation period シミュレーション年数:
Threshold 閾値 a  =\\\
Drift ドリフト : \mu  =\\\
Scaling 分散: \sigma  =\\\

Simulation results シミュレーション結果

Please note that "Expected" in the chart above is not equal to a pdf of an Inverse Gaussian distribution. To make the orange curve of "Expected" comparable to the histogram of "Observed", the bin width of the histogram is multiplied to the pdf of the expected distribution.

The relationship between a Brownian motion and an Inverse Gaussian distribution ウィーナー過程と逆ガウス分布の関係性

Based on the simulation results above, the intervals between earthquakes seem to follow an Inverse Gaussian distribution. (The analytic solution is to be added.)

Reference in Japanese 参考文献、サイト

地震調査研究推進本部 全国地震動予測地図2020年版 地震動予測地図の解説編

地震発生の長期予測モデルについて』 東北大学耐震工学研究会

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